
  • A. Gorky Assistant Professor and Research Adviser, Department of Biotechnology, Maruthupandiyar College, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India
  • Dr. S. Jenifer Assistant Professor and Research Adviser, Department of Biotechnology, Maruthupandiyar College, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India




Endophytic fungi, Medicinal plant, Tectona grandis


Isolation and enumeration of endophytic fungi from leaf samples of  Tectona grandis L.f was carried out in Thanjavur District of Tamilnadu India.During the study period, a total of 140 fungi were isolated from PDA medium and Different fungal species namely Alternaria sp.,, Colletotrichum sp.,,  Phomopsis sp., Penicillium sp.,, Schizophyllu sp.,, Xylariaceae Sp.,,  Schizophyllum Sp., Nigrospora sp., Fusarium sp., The  Lower portion of leaf sample was most frequently colonized Penicillium sp, Schizophyllum Sp., Fusarium sp.,  and Xylariaceae sp,, (15%),Followed by   Alternaria sp, Colletotrichum sp, and Phomopsis sp(13.5%), whereas Nigrospora sp., was found only in young leaves.However,from the upper region was most frequently colonized by Alternaria sp (10%)followed by Xylariaceae sp.,, , Colletotrichum sp, Phomopsis sp.,  (8.5%).%) and Fusarium sp.,( 5.0%) and sterile mycelium(4.5%). There was the significant Differenes in the type of colonization of fungus with reference to reason and location.However,from the upper region was most frequently colonized by Alternaria sp (10%)followed by Xylariaceae sp.,, , Colletotrichum sp,and  Phomopsis sp.,  (8.5%).Whereas at upper portion of leaf segment was mostly similar colonized by Alternaria sp(15%), Colletotrichum sp,and  Phomopsis sp.,Fusarium sp., (13.5%).It was noticed in general, that the colonization frequency of some of those fungi, Alternaria sp,Schizophyllum sp, Xylariaceae sp, and sterile mycelium was little higher percentage in lower portion of the leaf. The findings in the present study is also agreement with finding of Bills (1996).who reported large number of fungal species isolated as entophytes from the leaves of this plant sp. The study of entophytic fungus in Ticino grandis suggests that there is a need of larger survey in relation to various seasons to study the diversity existing in this species and their seasonal variability on endophytes colonization. They showed colonization frequency was greater during rainy season than summer and winter.


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