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Ahmed k.salih


fungi have surroundedus and have affected our life, when changed or getting out from control it should be treated and when change to multi drug resistant it is difficult to treat by antibioticsso wecan use plant extracts to produce valuable protectionagainst infection.Objective: In this study, we used agarwell diffusion method to investigate the effect of antifungal drug ofplant extractson Candida albicans,Method: Candida albicanswas isolated from oral cavity of Sulaimani Emergency hospital patients.The isolates consisted c.albicans(n=15). The microorganisms were divided into four groups in a factorial design: control, FGE with blackseed, FGE without black seed, black seed without FGE and antibiotic (Fluconazole). The minimum inhibitory concentration of FGE was calculated by using a gradient of concentrations and observeingtheir inhibitory effects on C. albicans.Results: fresh garlic extract(FGE extract)displayed evident inhibition against Candida albicansby producingmoreinhibitionzone (p < 0.05), Black seed extract (BL extract) showed no inhibitory effect on C. albicansat %10 concentration.However,synergism of BI with FGE have shown significant effects on it (P < 0.05) and fluconazole had littleeffect on Candidaalbicans. Conclusion: the result suggestthatFGE can improve the antibiotic sensitivity and BI don’t effect on C.albicans

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