ARC Publishing of Books and Other Publication Services L.L.C has established these standards to satisfy the author's process from article submission to publication in world-renowned journal databases such as SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Web of Science, SJR, DOAJ, PubMed and UGC. These are the requirements that the authors must follow, and we cross-check the article that they send us against them.
Articles should not have been previously published or be under consideration by another journal publisher before being submitted to our Journal. Article changes after submission are permitted under our journal's policies. We only accept papers that are one-of-a-kind and authentic. The author cannot retract an article that has been submitted and chosen from a list of reference journals. Our editors and the peer-review panel of specialists maintain the right to make any formatting and adjustments deemed necessary. Following submission, the writers should pay the processing cost, and in case, and If an author withdraws an article after it has been submitted to or approved by the publication, the initial deposit will not be refunded.
Our journals' rules, as well as the author's adherence to our standard regulations and processes in submitting their article to us, will have an impact on the legitimacy of the author's work. We conduct a preliminary review of the submitted research articles as soon as we receive the article. We have the right to collect formatting fees in accordance with the norms of the target journals. Researchers can always contact our journal's email address for access to any mentioned articles and publication initiatives.
Author’s assurance
Author assurance in ARC Publishing of Books and Other Publication Services L.L.C Journals establishes that the work is original, written by the identified authors, and has never been published before. The article contains no defamatory or otherwise unlawful statements, nor does it contain any information that violates the privacy or property rights of any person or organisation. ARC has obtained formal permission from the copyright holders to use and reference any quotes from works protected by intellectual property. We have obtained the individual's or individuals' express permission to use any personal data (or, where applicable, the next of kin).
ARC Publishing of Books and Other Publication Services L.L.C Journals has outlined these guidelines in order to meet the author’s process from submitting the article to publishing the article in a timely manner in the world-renowned metric-based journal. By providing these guidelines, ARC Publishing of Books and Other Publication Services L.L.C Journals is ensuring that authors have a clear understanding of what they need to do in order to successfully publish their work These are the guidelines that need to be followed by the authors, and we cross-check the article we receive from them with the below-stated guidelines. To ensure the quality of the articles and to meet the journal’s standards, ARC Publishing of Books and Other Publication Services L.L.C has provided authors with these clear-cut guidelines.
Manuscript: Importance, Structure, Content, and Format Significance
A manuscript is a written, typed, or word-processed document that a researcher submits to a publication. Researchers methodically write manuscripts to communicate their novel ideas and discoveries to the scientific community as well as the general public.
ARC Publishing of Books and Other Publication Services L.L.C gives authors the flexibility to easily compose their papers. We advise authors to keep their formatting as sparse as possible. So they can follow these tips before writing the article:
- Use the 'Times New Roman type font.
Its readability and narrow spacing make it a perfect font for journals, textbooks, novels, and other applications requiring huge amounts of printed type.
- Use A4 paper with a standard margin.
Leave a one-inch margin on all sides of your paper. The top margin will include page numbers, but no additional content should extend into the margins. To begin paragraphs, indent five to seven spaces. Double-space your paper's text.
- Font size: 10 with single line spacing.
Your paper should be in 10-point font. Journal demands that ordinary and italicised text be plainly identifiable from one another, regardless of the typeface. Times New Roman is a frequently suggested font.
- Keep the figures and tables in the centre of the page.
Figures and tables should be placed in the centre of the page. It should be correctly cited and numbered as it appears in the text. Tables should also be separated from the text. Text wrapping should be avoided. In certain journals, tables and figures are published after the references.
Give the viewers a title that is brief yet thorough enough to give them a sense of the study and its outcome. Don't be ambiguous. The abstract should be a one to two-sentence description of the rest of the manuscript's components. It should also be organised in the same manner as the rest of the paper.
What is the study's purpose? Why are you carrying out the research? The objectives of the research must be stated in the introduction. It must include a study reason as well as a hypothesis. A brief background based on a comprehensive literature search is an important aspect of the introduction so that the readers know what the study is based on; offer a general overview of what has been done previously, and how your study differs.
All scientific research needs to be repeatable. This means that an experiment needs to be able to be replicated with similar results in order for it to be considered valid scientific research. This lends credibility to the conclusions. A manuscript's materials and methods section allows other interested researchers to conduct the experience to expand on what was learned and further improve the concepts. This is why this section of the report is so specific. It must include a complete procedure as well as details on all chemicals, instruments, and individuals involved in the study. The methods used to collect and evaluate data, as well as the statistical tests used, should be thoroughly described.
It is best to present the information in the paper's results section using charts, graphs, and tables. As a result, the author is not tempted to discuss any conclusions that are not derived from the study. This approach can help ensure that the results section of a paper remains objective and factual. The charts, graphs, and tables should be clearly labelled, and captions that explain the data without drawing any inferences should be included. Include a description of statistical tests as they pertain to the results. Furthermore, in order to ensure accuracy and clarity, any limitations of the study should be discussed as well.
Summarize the results in words rather than figures and explain how well the study's objectives were satisfied. Include no information gleaned from a literature search. Instead, concentrate on the study's main findings. The study was successful in achieving its objectives, with results indicating a positive outcome. Interpret the results for the audience; leave no results unanswered. Scientific writing should not be left up to interpretation. Avoid over-interpreting the data and drawing broad generalisations that cannot be justified by the study's limitations. The results of the study indicated a clear positive outcome, demonstrating that the objectives were achieved. Discuss any clinical implications and limits of the study, as well as how closely the conclusions align with those of other scientists. The results of the study should be thoroughly interpreted for the audience in order to ensure that they are clear and concise.
All references included in the study should be mentioned according to the standards established by the journal in which the author intends to be published. In general, most publications have followed the citation format highlighted in the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (ICMJE).
Duplicate and Redundant Publication
Predatory journal publishers will publish your article in poor-quality journals with few citations because fraudulent journals are of low quality. This will make it more difficult for readers to find and view your research. As a result, researchers in the author's field of study are less likely to be approached and probed.