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Rabin Chandra Paramanik
Achinto Paramanik


Looking at the Nano scale has stimulated the development and use of novel and costeffective technologies for remediation, pollution detection, catalysis and others. Nanotechnology is defined as the creation of functional materials, devices and systems through control of matter on the nanometer (1-100 nm) length scale and the exploitation of novel properties and phenomena developed at that scale. Environmental nanotechnology is considered to play a key role in the shaping of current environmental engineering and science. Nanotechnology is an upcoming technology that can provide solution for combating pollution by controlling shape and size of materials at the Nano scale. This review provides comprehensive information regarding the role of nanotechnology in pollution control at three different steps viz. Source reduction or pollution prevention, remediation or degradation of pollutants and sensing of pollutants. Due to its large surface area and high surface energy, the nanoparticles have the ability to absorb large amount of pollutants or catalyze reactions at a much faster rate, thus reducing energy consumption during degradation or helps in preventing release of contaminants. Pollution prevention by nanotechnology refers on the one hand to a reduction in the use of raw materials, water or other resources and the elimination or reduction of waste and on the other hand to more efficient use of energy or involvement in energy production. The Nano size of the particles also make it possible to reach otherwise inaccessible areas and hence promote in-situ remediation rather than ex-situ remediation. The ability of the nanoparticles to be coated with various ligands and control of surface area to volume ratio by changing the shape of the nanoparticle Nanotechnology and the environment – is it therefore a Janus-faced relationship. There is the huge hope that Nano technological applications and products will lead to a cleaner and healthier environmentrticles enables the design of sensors with high selectivity, sensitivity and specificity.

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