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Udan Kusmawan
F. H. Syarifa
B. Kuswandi


This work presents a low-cost and disposable paper based microfluidic system for detection of uric acid and blood in urine simultaneously. Detection is achieved by using a colorimetric or visual indicator. Immobilized specific reagents designed for the parameter under consideration act as capture molecules on the surface of the detection zone of a microfluidic system made of paper (cellulose). Fe-(III)tris-(1,10)-phenantroline and Tetramethylbenzidinecumene hydroperoxide and have been immobilized using absorption method for blood and uric acid detection respectively. For blood detection, the detection zone will be change from pale blue to dark blue, due to presence of hemoglobin, which in turn, resulted in oxidized reaction of tetramethylbenzidine by cumene hydroperoxide. While for uric acid detection zone, the color change from yellow to orange/red due to complexation of Fe(III)tris-(1,10)-phenantroline with uric acid in urine sample. The capability of lab on paper for detection of blood and uric acid in urine samples has been demonstrate successfully.

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