Biodiversity, medicinal plants, family, species, Hissar range, agricultureAbstract
Are presented the results of studies to identify the biodiversity of wild medicinal plants on the territory of some parts of the southern slope of the Hissar ridge. As a result of researches it was established that in the territory of 11 gorges surveyed (Gusgarf, Ojuk, Gulobod, Gazhne, Semiganch, Safedchashma, Obi-Zugora, Magov, yos, Yavroz and Shamal) 174 species of medicinal plants, which belong to various Botanical taxa, are mainly distributed. This number of plants is formed by representatives of 106 genera, which belong to 46 families, among which representatives of the family Asteraceae (36 species), Rosaceae (19 species), Lamiaceae (16 species). The number of naked species is 11.6 % of the number of described medicinal plants on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan. The four found species (Rubus caesius L., R. turkestanicus Pavl., Rheum hissaricum Losinsk., R. maximowiczii Losinsk) were plants that are widely eaten by the people.
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