
  • Muhammad Waseem
  • Muhammad Qamar Abbas
  • Khadija Ummer
  • Rida Fatima
  • Waseel Khan
  • Fatima Gulzar
  • Muhammad Qasim
  • Qudrat Ullah
  • Irfan Haidri



Cd, sources of Cd, removal methods, Brassica rapa, Soil microbes, Phytoremediation, In situ immobilization, Environmental challenges, Remediation solutions


One of the most critical environmental problems is heavy metal pollution, which is made worse by the impact of certain
industries in certain nations. One of the primary hazardous heavy metals found in soil is cadmium (Cd). Soil cadmium
pollution is a worldwide problem. All soils contain cadmium, a naturally occurring metal that comes from both geogenic
and human sources. Cadmium has an impact on people, plants, and soil microorganisms. A disruption in the intake and
translocation of mineral nutrients and a disruption in plant metabolism may cause Cd toxicity in crops, which can impede
the growth and development of the plants. Some of the approaches used to remove heavy metal pollution from the air
include physical, chemical, and biological. It is crucial to bear in mind that some of these have time or money limits. In
situ, immobilization, phytoremediation, and natural approaches are the best ways to remove metal(loid) from the soil
presently. Some of the remediation solutions included phytoremediation of Cd metal from Soil, highlighting the in-situ
immobilization strategy as a particularly efficient way to remove Cd from soils. Heavy metals should not penetrate the
atmosphere, established order, or exposure to people and animals as part of remediation activities at a contaminated
site." All of these site-specific characteristics impact the treatment procedure applied at any particular site, including soil
type, synthetic chemical type, and depth of contamination. In this study, we examine several molecular techniques for
reducing Cd accumulation in grains and discuss new developments in the molecular processes of Cd accumulation in
cereal crops

Author Biographies

Muhammad Waseem

Government College University Faisalabad 38000, Punjab Pakistan

Muhammad Qamar Abbas

Government College University Faisalabad 38000, Punjab Pakistan

Khadija Ummer

Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences University of Agriculture Faisalabad

Rida Fatima

University of Agriculture Faisalabad 38000, Punjab Pakistan

Waseel Khan

Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences University of Agriculture Faisalabad 38000 Punjab Pakistan

Fatima Gulzar

University of Agriculture Faisalabad 38000, Punjab Pakistan

Muhammad Qasim

Government College University Faisalabad 38000, Punjab Pakistan

Qudrat Ullah

Government College University Faisalabad 38000, Punjab Pakistan

Irfan Haidri

Government College University Faisalabad 38000, Punjab Pakistan


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